Crumbs Brewing Embraces Sustainability with B Corp Certification and Packaging Shift

Crumbs Brewing Packaging Shift

In a significant stride towards sustainability, Crumbs Brewing, renowned for its commitment to environmental stewardship, has announced a pivotal shift in its packaging strategy, moving from bottles to cans. This decision comes on the heels of the brewery’s certification as a B Corp last year, underscoring its pledge to harness business as a force for good.

The transition was informed by a comprehensive analysis conducted in partnership with Surrey University, which examined the carbon footprint and lifecycle impact of Crumbs Brewing’s products. A standout finding from this study highlighted the substantial opportunity to lessen environmental impact through new packaging solutions and more efficient transportation methods.

Switching to cans is expected to halve the carbon footprint of a single serving of beer, attributed to the material’s higher recyclability and the significant reduction in weight, which, in turn, impacts transportation emissions. Beyond the environmental benefits, cans offer superior protection for the beer against light exposure, ensuring the product’s quality and longevity are preserved.

The ease of handling cans also opens doors to utilising lower-impact courier services, expanding the brewery’s options beyond those equipped to handle fragile bottles. This shift not only aligns with Crumbs Brewing’s environmental goals but also introduces a fresh aesthetic with the launch of new can designs, which the team believes resonate well with their ethos and customer expectations.

Morgan Arnell, Chief Crumber at Crumbs Brewing, shared: “The fact is cans are better for the environment (they drastically reduce our carbon footprint), they are better for the beer and they are far easier to handle and ship. This all goes towards our B-Corp commitment to continuous improvement. On top of that, they just look cool and give us an even bigger ‘canvas’ to get our food waste fighting, sustainable purpose across to buyers.”

Crumbs Brewing’s move to cans is a testament to the brewery’s proactive approach to sustainability and its broader mission to make a positive impact on the planet and its community.

Crumbs Brewing is dedicated to crafting exceptional beers with a sustainable twist. By repurposing surplus bread, Crumbs Brewing stands at the forefront of the eco-conscious brewing movement, continuously seeking new ways to reduce waste and environmental impact.

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