Cybersecurity Heavyweights Team Up to Offer Data-Driven Risk Analysis

Photo by Philipp Katzenber

Cybersecurity companies Nexer Cybersecurity and NTT Security announced a new strategic partnership this week to offer data-driven cybersecurity risk analysis to clients. The partnership combines NTT Security’s real-time threat monitoring from its Cyber Security Centre (SOC) with Nexer’s modeling for quantitative risk analysis.

“In today’s troubled times, collaboration is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the cybersecurity challenges businesses and organizations are facing,” said Fredrik Olsson, Head of NTT Security Nordics. “In our Cyber Security Centre, we monitor and analyze cyber threats – every day, all year round. By combining our experience and knowledge with Nexer, we can create flexible and holistic solutions – from risk analysis to detecting and stopping threats.”

NTT Security’s Cyber Security Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden detects and responds to 10,000 potential and real attacks daily. The company also handles 40 percent of all internet traffic through its cables and systems, giving it vast amounts of data and knowledge of cyberattacks.

“We deliver dynamic offerings where senior management pays exactly for the protection they need, based on their level of investment in cybersecurity,” said Jesper Svegby, CEO of Nexer Cybersecurity. “NTT Security has access to large amounts of data about cyber threats and together we can help our customers make informed decisions regarding cybersecurity.”

The partnership aims to make cyber risks more transparent through quantitative risk analysis. Nexer will analyze the likelihood and potential cost of breaches based on NTT’s real-time threat data.

“It is about making cyber risks understandable, transparent and measurable for all parties involved and demonstrating the likelihood and cost of future breaches through risk quantification,” Svegby said.

The combined offering will provide both local expertise and global capacity to meet the needs of multinational clients.

“Together, we offer a local presence with experienced cybersecurity specialists but also the capacity to meet the needs of customers looking to expand overseas,” Olsson said. “Through our partnership, we take greater responsibility for the customer’s journey, where we combine risk quantification based on data with rapid response to ensure a comprehensive and robust cybersecurity solution that meets current and future cyber threats.”

The partnership comes as businesses face increasing threats, regulations and pressure to balance security investments with other priorities. New laws like the EU’s NIS2 directive place additional cybersecurity requirements on companies.

“The demands and ability to balance investments and security level are increasing due to external threats, new demands, economic downturn and the need for a more dynamic business,” Svegby said. “To navigate this context, companies and organizations must identify risks on a daily basis and implement cybersecurity strategies based on the latest technology, measurability, and data. At the same time, companies and organizations need to be able to respond quickly to cyber threats and meet new regulatory requirements.”

Nexer Cybersecurity, part of the Nexer Group, focuses on driving innovation in cybersecurity. The company aims to help organizations adapt their security as needs change over time.

NTT Security, part of the global NTT group, has over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity services like threat detection, intelligence and incident response. It has research centers, SOCs and experts worldwide.

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